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Person-to-person reception is by appointment to be requested by phone or WhatsApp on 06 71 13 06 94

Our translation services

Technical translations

User manuals, instruction manuals, product sheets, etc.

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Legal translations

Articles of association, contracts, judgments, licences, etc.

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Medical translations

Reports, medical devices, pharmaceutical translations, etc.

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Financial translations

Financial statements, audit reports, annual reports, etc.

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Fast translations

Translations with very short delivery times

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Certified translations

International calls for tenders, driving licences, visas, and documents intended for government authorities, etc.

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Website translations

E-commerce, mobile applications, SEO translations, etc.

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Business translations

Cosmetics & beauty, food & beverage, marketing & advertising etc.

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A leader in translation and linguistic services

With more than 40 years of experience, Optilingua is a leader among translation and language service providers. In addition to its numerous subsidiaries, the group works with translation and language professionals based around the world.

Linguistic services

Voice-over services

Telephone messages, museum guides, instruction videos, etc.

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Foreign language subtitling for videos for international markets

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Liaison interpreting & telephone interpreting

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Editing, proofreading, and correction of texts (in French and other languages)

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Audio and video transcriptions in French and other languages

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Multilingual DTP

Multilingual desktop publishing (DTP)

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Do you have a query about your language project?

You can contact us

from 8.30am to 6pm Monday - Friday on +33 (0)1 87 33 00 30

or on WhatsApp

We can also

call you free of charge.

Please give us your contact details: